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Courses within the LMU-Tutorship Programme (In German):
Summer Term 2014:
Seminar Bewerbungen
- Scala Praktikum für Master
Previous Courses:
- (SS 13) Webanwendungen mit Java: Einführung in die Programmierung mit Scala
- (SS 13) Additum zur Vorlesung Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen: Einführung in Java
- (WS 2012/13) Softwareentwicklungspraktikum "Urban Games with a Purpose"
- (SS 2012) Webanwendungen mit Java: Blockkurs Play! 2 mit Java
- (SS 2012) Additum zu Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen: Einführung in Java
- (WS 2011/12) Webanwendungen mit Java: Blockkurs "JBoss Seam"
- (SS 2011) Additum zu Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen: Einführung in Java
- (WS 2010/11) Webanwendungen mit Java: Einführung in Groovy und das Web-Framework Grails
- (WS 2010/11) Webanwendungen mit Java: Blockkurs Groovy & Grails
- (SS 2010) Webanwendungen mit Java: JEE 5
- (WS 2009/10) Webanwendungen mit Java: Überblick JEE 5, Groovy & Grails

Backstage is a social learning platform that aims at supporting synchronous learning in large lectures. The conception and development is done in close cooperation with students.
- François Bry, Alexander Pohl
Backstage: A Social Medium for Large Classes
In: Frank Keuper, Heinrich Arnold (eds.), Campus Transformation -- Education, Qualification and Digitalization, Logos Verlag, Berlin, pp. 255-280. To appear. - Alexander Pohl, François Bry, Jeannette Schwarz, and Marlene Gottstein
Sensing the Classroom: Improving Awareness and Self-Awareness of Students with Backstage
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Interactive and Collaborative Learning (ICL), Villach, Austria (26-28 September 2012) - Vera Gehlen-Baum, Alexander Pohl, Armin Weinberger, and François Bry
Backstage - Designing a Backchannel for Large Lectures (Demo Paper)
In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL), Saarbrücken, Germany (18-21 September 2012) - Julia Hadersberger, Alexander Pohl, and François Bry
Discerning Actuality in Backstage -- Comprehensible Contextual Aging
In: Proceedings of the European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL), Saarbrücken, Germany (18-21 September 2012) - Alexander Pohl, Vera Gehlen-Baum, and François Bry
Enhancing the Digital Backchannel Backstage on the Basis of a Formative User Study - Vera Gehlen-Baum, Alexander Pohl and François Bry
Assessing Backstage - A Backchannel for Collaborative Learning in Large Classes
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL 2011) - Daniel Baumgart, Alexander Pohl, Vera Gehlen-Baum, and François Bry
Providing Guidance on Backstage, a Novel Digital Backchannel for Large Class Teaching
Education in a Technological World: Communicating Current and Emerging Research and Technological Efforts - Alexander Pohl, Vera Gehlen-Baum, and François Bry
Introducing Backstage - A Digital Backchannel for Large Class Lectures
Emerald Journal: Interactive Technology and Smart Education (ITSE), Volume 8, Issue 3 - François Bry, Vera Gehlen-Baum, and Alexander Pohl
Promoting Awareness and Participation in Large Class Lectures: The Digital Backchannel Backstage.
In: Proceedings of the IADIS Int. Conf. e-society, Avila, Spain (10th - 13th March 2011)
Students' Theses
- 2014
- Werner Hoffmann
- Stefan Faßrainer
- Marco Hoffmann, Team Formation in E-Learning
- 2013
- Daniel Unverricht, Taming Complexity of Rich Internet Applications in Javascript: Case Study Backstage
- 2012
- Marlene Gottstein, Increasing Social Awareness of the Lecturer on the Backchannel Backstage
- Max Kleucker, Making the Backchannel Backstage Failure-Resistant -- Towards Better Scalability
- Jeannette Schwarz, Increasing Social Awareness and Social Presence in Backstage, a Backchannel for Large Class Lectures
- Florian Naß, Media-Streaming in Backstage -- Improving Awareness of the Audience outside the Classroom
- Julia Hadersberger, Backstage Mobile: Merging Usability Guidelines with Educational Requirements
- 2011
- Michal Bednar, Scripting Student's Interaction on Backstage -- Visualizing Scripts on the User Interface
- Daniel Baumgart, Backstage 2.0 -- Integration von Präsenationsfolien zur Verbesserung der Benutzerführung in Backstage
- Johann Kratzer, RESTful Backstage
- Julia Hadersberger, Processing Relevance Feedback in Backstage
- 2010
- Barry Norman, Entwurf und Implementierung eines Microblog-basierten Backchannels für den Einsatz in der Universitären Lehre
- Daniel Fritsch, Design and Implementation of an Ergonomic User Interface for a Microblog-Based Digital Backchannel in Higher Education
Further theses partly supervised
- Iva Karlecova (Magisterarbeit), Wortschatzarbeit in elektronischen Sprachlernprogrammen: Mehrwert eines eWortnetz-Tools im DaF-Unterricht (Betreuung der Webanwendungsentwicklung)
- Mislav Boras (IDP), Integrating the Serious Game "Termina" as a Quiz in Backstage