
... as a standalone application


java AOT [Tree=<filename>] [Selection=<filename>] [Access=0|1] [Frame=no|yes] [User=<filename>] [Form=no|yes] [-sysinfo] [Host=<URL>] [Port=<port-number>] [Force_cntrl_swap=<auto|no|yes>]

(description of parameters see below)


java AOT Tree="/home/foo/" Selection="/home/foo/MyDefault.sel" Access=1 Frame=yes User="user3.sel" Form=yes

or (with Microsoft(r) Java):

jview AOT Tree="/home/foo/" Selection="/home/foo/MyDefault.sel" Access=1 Frame=yes User="user3.sel" Form=yes

... and as an applet (all parameters are optional)

Include the applet call into your HTML-page as follows:





height=350 >

<param name=Tree value=<filename>>

<param name=Selection value=<filename>>

<param name=Access value=<0|1>>

<param name=Frame value=<no|yes>>

<param name=User value=<filename>>

<param name=Form value=<no|yes>>

<param name=Host value=<URL>>

<param name=Port value=<Port-number>>

<param name=Force_cntrl_swap value=<auto|no|yes>>


Be sure that the Java CLASSPATH variable is set correctly in the environment of the browser!

Parameters (all optional):

Access=0 (specifies user mode. This is the default; tree source files cannot be saved, limited functionality) or 1 (superuser mode, editor capabilities, full access to all functions)

Frame="no" (default, tree diagram should stay inside the HTML page respectively the applet viewer) or "yes" (open the tree diagram with its own application frame. "yes" should always be given for standalone execution, but can also be used for applets).

Tree= file with tree source (ending .cat) defining the document to open first. Default is ""

Selection= file with a given selection (ending .sel) which should be activated first. There is no default

User=a given filename for user selections. Default is "user.sel"

Form="no" (default), or "yes" (form-like behaviour, especially inplace editing and inplace buttons for hyperlinks).

Host=the URL of the host computer. Only needed if Categories is executed in standalone mode and should communicate via internet.

Port=the number of the port Categories should use to communicate with its host.

Force_cntrl_swap="auto" (default, detect inplace-view method), or "no" (inplace view method 1), or "yes" (inplace view method 2). This parameter influences the way inplace controls are displayed in form mode. If text areas and/or HTML areas are missing if Form="yes" is specified, you have to change this parameter.

Switch -sysinfo: print information about the installed Java version and the operating system.