About Categories

Version 0.10

Developed by Matthias Nickles (nicklesm@usa.net)

Copyright (c)1997, 1998 Matthias Nickles and the University of Munich, Institute of Computer Science (Heribert.Schuetz@informatik.uni-muenchen.de)

All rights reserved. This software is neither shareware, nor public domain, nor freeware! Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this software or any portion of it will be prosecuted.

JavaBrowser (c)1996 Alexey Goloshubin, Jeremy Cook, (c)1997 Matthias Nickles (GNU licence)

HTTPClient (c)1996,1997 Ronald Tschalaer (GNU licence)

The source code is partly available on request.


This software is provided without any warranty, expressed or implied, including but not limited to fitness for a particular purpose!


Categories is a tool for creating, maintaining and examining And/Or-trees.

It was developed in 1997 at the University of Munich for the purpose of interactive classification and examination of linguistic data.

As a Java applet, it can be executed via the Internet using a web browser. Standalone execution in an application-like manner is also possible.

With Categories, you can perform the following tasks:

- Examine the And/Or-tree and create so-called selections:

Specify access mode user mode (access key 0).

- Fill out or modify text leaves:

Specify access mode user mode (access key 0).

- Create new categories trees or modify existing ones:

The access mode for this task is the superuser mode (access key 1).